Relationship Goals: How to Use Them to Rekindle the Romance

If you’ve been in a long-term relationship, then you know just how much the romance can fizzle out. This isn’t to say that your relationship isn’t doing well—it’s only natural that other aspects of life eventually take precedence over romance.

Fortunately, there are always ways to rekindle the romance in your relationship and make things more exciting.

A great way to do it? Set relationship goals!

Not only will you have something to strive for actively, but goals will bring you and your partner closer as you embark on the journey together. You’ll feel incredibly accomplished and much more intimate with your partner as you set and accomplish your goals.

Let’s take a look at some great goals to set to rekindle the romance:

Goal #1: More Date Nights

As couples grow together, the need for going out on dates dwindles significantly. It makes sense: when you live with someone, why bother going out and spending money?

This is an excellent mindset to have sometimes, but often, dates are a great way to ensure that you and your partner have uninterrupted alone-time together. Sure, it’s always nice to have a fancy dinner date now and again, but they don’t always have to be extravagant.

Why not see a movie together, get ice cream, or go bowling? And try to set a goal for going on these dates that works with your schedules—once a week, every other week, once a month, etc.

Goal #2: Increase Meaningful Conversation

A great way to achieve intimacy and romance with someone is simply through great conversation.

Naturally, you and your partner talk but consider what you’re talking about. Most likely, the conversation tends to be about kids, work, errands, bills, etc. These topics are essential, but can often feel more draining than romantic.

Instead, try initiating a conversation about an interesting article you read recently or about a movie you want to watch. This goal is a pretty small one but substantial, nonetheless. By increasing more meaningful conversations, you can reignite the spark that made you fall in love in the first place.

Goal #3: Get More Creative with Your Sex Life

One of the best ways to achieve intimacy with your partner is through sex.

As a relationship wears on, your sex life may be put on the back burner for several reasons. You’re too tired, too busy, or too distracted to have sex as much as you once did. This habit is usual, but it is also totally possible to rekindle the passion in your sex life.

It will take a genuine effort to have more sex and to get creative with when and where you do it. Even just by slightly increasing the amount of sex you have, you and your partner can be that much closer. Furthermore, it will feel good to know that you’re actively working towards reigniting the passion in your relationship.

Goal #4: Go Out of Your Way to Compliment Your Partner

One of the simplest (but most effective) things you can do in a relationship is merely to appreciate your partner. Make an effort to notice the little things your partner does in your relationship and vice versa.

Even on days that are chaotic and leave little wiggle room for quality time—you can still achieve romance through compliments. Little sentiments go a long way in relationships!


The ideas mentioned above are examples of goals to set in your relationship that can help rekindle the romance. Based on the particular dynamics of your relationship, you can set your own goals and time frames.

Moreover, consider seeking out a couple’s counselor to help you and your partner navigate your goals more effectively. Romance doesn’t have to be lost in your relationship—but you’ll have to go the extra mile to keep it rekindled!

Contact me today or visit my page on relationship counseling to learn more about how I can help.